“Storms of the mind shall pass with time.
Beautiful opportunity awaits in every rainbow left behind.”
Does everyday feel like a battle? Are you at war against your own mind? Are you feeling helpless, hopeless, lost, confused? Mental health illness is truly a battlefield of the mind; losing a battle doesn’t mean you’ve lost the war.
The first step to treatment is providing clients a proper diagnosis. These are some of the most common mental health issues adult clients face:
Are you living in a constant state of sadness that leaves you feeling alone and empty? Are you barely sleeping or sleeping too much, mentally and physically weak, consumed with the past, losing interest in things that once made you happy? Are you isolating yourself from the outside world and looking for answers to explain such hopelessness? Do you want help, but fear you lack the strength to overcome?
Are you consumed with worry, always jumping to worst care scenarios, unable to fall or stay asleep because fears of the future bombard your mind? Does your heart randomly start racing, breaths get shallow and do you feel like you’re losing control? Are you on edge, irritable and left feeling exhausted? Does worry even prevent you from seeking support?
Experiencing PSYCHOSIS?
Are you questioning the reality of the things that you hear and/or see? Unable to share your thoughts with others because you don’t want to be seen as “crazy?” Consumed with finding ways to prove that your theories or beliefs are accurate? Isolating yourself and not seeking help because you question a professionals intent?
Are you experiencing drastic shifts in your mood for no particular reason? Tired of feeling “Bipolar” or being told you are by others? Do you have moments in which you are on top of the world and can accomplish anything? Yet, in these moments you tend to engage in risky behaviors and make poor decisions? Are these episodes of euphoria always followed with anger, confusion and a sadness that leaves you feeling crippled?
Are you constantly justifying a behavior/action that impacts your thoughts and daily life? Feel like you have lost control, realize you have and therefore, search for justification of your addiction even harder? Does all this impact your family, work and social life? Do you want help, but fear the reality and accountability that comes with that may be too overwhelming?
Do memories of the past prohibit you from having a future? Do you feel disconnected, distracted, unable to concentrate and restless? Are you hyperaware of your surroundings to the point of anxiety and paranoia? Do unexpected noises cause extreme bodily reactions? Are you experiencing flashbacks and intrusive memories which result in poor quality of life?