As parents we tend to care more about the lives of our children than our own. Regardless of whether they are children we’ve birthed or children we’ve promised to rebirth, their happiness is ours. We want to shelter them from pain and ensure they experience joy despite any hardships endured. Sometimes children need treatment and therefore, parents seek appropriate help. For instance, if our child breaks a bone, we seek medical attention to obtain a necessary scan and cast. Injuries of the mind also require professional help in order to properly diagnose the concern(s) and develop a treatment plan accordingly.
I, Michelle Harris, have spent several years supporting children with complex trauma and mental health presentations. I take much pride in my work with kids of all ages. My center has the experience and passion to address your child’s needs. I work in conjunction with parents to help children live to their fullest potential.
No child should suffer.
No adult should continue suffering pain from childhood.
Depression & Anxiety
~Depression- sad and sullen mood, lack of interest or pleasure, low energy, changes in sleep and eating patterns.
~Anxiety- worry and fear that is generalized, connected to separation from family, found in social settings or related to a specific phobia.
Deficit H
Most kids with ADHD will struggle in school or other structured settings. Certain impairments of their brain causes fidgeting, restlessness, daydreaming, poor focus and task completion, etc.
Stress Disorder
Children facing PTSD can experience nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts connected to event, avoidance of people or situations that remind them of trauma and behaviors that mimic ADHD (but are actually bodily reactions to a life threatneing event).
Austism Spectrum Disorder
Symptoms and severity levels of kids with Autism can vary drastically. However, there are commonalities to the disorder: deficits in social interactions and communication, receptive behaviors and restricted/fixated interests, symptoms beginning in early development, and behaviors are present in all aspects of their life.
Life changes such as divorce, new living situation, and loss can impact your child’s mood and/or behaviors. Therapy, which is often short term, can offer support while ensuring the transition is resolved in a healthy manner.
Oppositional Defiance
Does our child constantly challenge you and other authority figures? Are they irritable, throwing tantrums, argumentative, disruptive and failing to take any accountability for their actions? Does every intervention you’ve tried fail? There are many contributing factors that can play into defiance and it is important to sort them out and find more effective strategies for children and parents.
Conduct Disorder
A year or more of continued extreme behavioral concerns which can include lying, theft, aggression, failing to follow rules, breaking the law, substance use, property destruction, fire setting and cruelty to people and animals.
Discovering that your child is harming their own body often causes feelings of fear and helplessness. There is hope in understanding the illness, uncovering reasons as to why your child uses this outlet, and identification of more effective coping strategies.
Disruptive Mood Dyregulation Disorder
Moodiness seems to be a child’s normal mental state. Children with disorder are extremely irritable and temper outburst are frequent. Many parents feel like their child presents with “Bi-Polar” like symptoms and behaviors.
Heal your Child
& family
Contact us for a free consult